As a young Colleen
growing up in the green fields of Ireland, it was Rosie Connolly's
dream to bring a taste of the Emerald Isle to the pub-less
wasteland known as the States. Here she would open the kind of
warm, inviting gathering place she knew so well, where both the
pints and the conversation flowed freely, where even a passing
stranger would feel like a regular. Sadly for America, Rosie
never made it beyond the bustling port of Liverpool. Happily
for us thirsty Yanks, her roving grandson Tommy did. But the
journey tested the mettle of the determined Liverpuddlian.
The Big Pond was a wee dram compared to the raging river that
a tropical storm named Gaston unleashed on Richmond's
Shockoe Bottom on August 30, 2004. As fate would have it,
this was the very day Tommy Goulding was to take ownership
of his pub. But Gaston's fury couldn't drown
Rosie's dream. Like he would a beer vendor who dared
deliver a keg of watered-down Guinness, Tommy gave Gaston
a quick boot out the door and commenced the massive cleanup.
Miraculously, Rosie Connolly's soon emerged from the muck
and the mire. She now stands gleaming and proud, a true
Irish pub, with a splash of the Mersey. So come raise a
glass to Rosie. It's been a long voyage from her homeland,
but you'll feel closer with every pint.